
Noddle launches advice on staying cyber-safe as UK is identified as a target for e-crime

Following a recent House of Commons report on e-crime, free for life credit report service Noddle has released its top tips on protecting yourself from an online attack as MP Keith Vaz announced that "…online criminals in 25 countries have chosen the UK as their number one target."

Provided by Callcredit Information Group, Noddle is a credit report service which also offers users free access to the best card and loan products based on their credit rating. In addition consumers can add Noddle Web Watch which can help consumers ensure their personal information isn't appearing anywhere it shouldn't and alerts them if it does.

Along with this product Noddle aims to help consumers strengthen their cyber-security by issuing the following advice:

  • Guard your personal information- don't fall victim to crooks' elaborate scams convincing you to hand over personal details; remember you should never hand this information over online or by phone.
  • Be careful what you post online - avoid mentioning your date of birth or pets' names on social networks as these are often used as passwords which is exactly what thieves are looking for.
  • Stay up to date with security programs - if a company has spotted a hole in their security then you can be sure that thieves will be quick to find and exploit it which could leave you at risk. Create a cyber-army of these softwares; install multiple programs to maximise protection.
  • Look for padlocks - When online shopping make sure the web address at the checkout begins with https and that an image of a locked padlock appears in the address bar or the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Beware Free Wifi - Someone could be watching everything you're typing or viewing so avoid inputting personal details.

Tom Ilube, founder of Noddle, said: "One of the best ways to keep an eye on your details is by checking your bank and credit card accounts regularly, as well as checking your credit report using Noddle which is free for life.

"We send you Noddle Alerts to notify you of any significant changes in your credit report, enabling you to monitor any strange activity as this could be a sign that someone has stolen your identity."

Noddle hopes to help strengthen the UK's ability to handle and prevent modern cyber-attacks by advising consumersdon't leave it to chance.