
Credit Score Quiz

How long have you been on the Electoral Roll at your current address?
  1. Not on the Electoral Roll.
  2. Changed address in the last 3 months so not on yet.
  3. Less than one year.
  4. Between one and three years.
  5. More than three years.
Do you pay your credit commitments on time?
  1. No, have arrears and CCJ's.
  2. No, have some arrears and sometimes pay late.
  3. Have no arrears but regularly pay late.
  4. Yes.
  5. Yes, never missed or been late with a payment.
How many new credit facilities have you applied for in the last three months.
  1. More than five.
  2. Three or four
  3. Two
  4. One
  5. None
What percentage of your monthly income is paid out on financial commitments including mortgage?
  1. More than 60 per cent.
  2. 50 per cent to 60 per cent.
  3. 40 per cent to 50 per cent.
  4. 30 per cent to 40 per cent.
  5. 20 per cent to 30 per cent.
Mostly A's

Indicates that you probably have difficulty obtaining credit and find credit providers often turn you down. When you are accepted for credit you will often find it will be for offers with higher interest rates.

Mostly B's

Indicates you will sometimes be rejected when applying for credit. Where your status determines the rate a lender will charge you will tend to be offered a higher than normal rate.

Mostly C's

Indicates you may occasionally be rejected when applying for credit and you may not be able to get all the best deals in the market place.

Mostly D's

Indicates you can usually expect to be accepted and are in a position to choose between different credit providers who view you as a low risk.

Mostly E's

Indicates you are unlikely to be rejected for credit based upon your credit file. Therefore you should be able to take advantage of the best deals in the marketplace.

Editors Notes
  1. More than 30m people in the UK hold an average of 2.3 personal credit and charge cards but 35 per cent of these cards are dormant (Source APACS) and susceptible to account take-over.
  2. A report by personal protection advisers, the CPP Group found that it took 480 days or 16 months to discover identity theft.
  3. It can take a typical ID fraud victim 60 hours to prove their innocence (Source CIFAS).