
Are you a 'Wireless Socialite' or a 'Late Learner'?

Callcredit launches segmentation tool to identify consumers' aptitude and attitudes towards technology

Callcredit Marketing Solutions has today launched 'Connected'; a consumer segmentation tool that helps marketers engage and communicate with customers and prospects through the most appropriate channel.

Connected has been built by Callcredit in response to the business needs of client and uses marketing data from their "Core" consumer universe, combined with information from the YouGov Media Panel and its Technology and Telecoms survey. The customer profiling tool segments the UK population into five broad technological groups, broken down into 23 more specific categories. These include categories as diverse as: 'PDA Professionals' in the 'Spending Big' group, 'Digital Dabblers' in the 'Follow The Leader' group and 'Keep It Simple Seniors' in the 'Lagging Behind' group.

Connected looks at all types of technology and the ways in which consumers interact with them to support and enhance their lives; whether it is in the purchase of goods and services or in their pursuit of entertainment and knowledge.

Connected can be used by marketers and data planners for customer segmentation, profiling and prospecting. This detailed insight gives them a unique understanding of how individuals consume and interact with different types of technology. This knowledge can then be harnessed to engage more effectively with consumers through more personalised marketing campaigns, carrying an appropriate message through their preferred channel.

Chris Savage, Managing Director of Callcredit Marketing Solutions said: "Knowing which consumers purchase products using mobile technology, which are avid online users and which don't use the internet at all can be extremely useful insights for marketers. With this intelligence to hand, acquisition and retention campaigns can be vastly improved, building customer loyalty, lifetime value and ROI."