
EuroDirect Rebuilds & Revitalises Data Exchange Universe

Data intelligence specialist EuroDirect has completely rebuilt and revitalised their Data Exchange consumer universe, bringing in a wealth of new data sources and substantially increasing attribute volumes.

When most data providers in the industry are struggling to maintain their data supplies in the light of Electoral Roll reductions and aging lifestyle lists, EuroDirect has bucked the trend. Brand new data sources have been welcomed from a variety of contributors, significantly increasing the volumes of a range of data variables. As a result of this, Data Exchange now includes:

  • 1.5 million new Incomes
  • 0.75 million new Dates of Birth

Similar increases have also been seen in key variables such as:

  • Mail Order Buyer
  • DM Responder
  • Child Presence
  • Occupation
  • Financial Product Holdings
  • Newspaper Readership
  • Car Ownership
  • Holidays
  • Hobbies and Interests

Data Exchange is currently used by a wide range of clients across most industry sectors including Financial Services, Retail, Utilities and Automotive. Recent use of Data Exchange by a leading Utility company proved that the data is far more accurate than other data sources in the industry. A third party consultancy working for the Utility company highlighted that propensity models built using Data Exchange provided a 35% greater uplift than their previous supplier.

John Dobson, Managing Director, EuroDirect comments:

"We first built Data Exchange back in 1998 when the first winds of change blew in the Electoral Roll arena. Since then the success of Data Exchange has grown and grown. Not only does Data Exchange provide sustained access to the entire consumer universe, it also provides a rich depth of variables, from lifestyle and transactional through to financial attributes, property price and credit worthiness."

"At EuroDirect we take the view that if our data doesn't perform then our customers won't come back. That's why we employ strict business rules across Data Exchange relating to recency, matching and suppression. Our continued customer retention rates are testimony to the quality of our data."